“The Upside” is based on the true story of a wealthy French aristocrat who was paralyzed in a paragliding accident, and the ex-con who becomes his caretaker. This new American version changes up some of the details, but the basic concept of a man and his assisstant remains. Emmy winner Bryan Cranston plays Phillip, a quadrapelgc who is despondent and angry that he wasn’t allowed to die after the accident happened. He is in the market for a new caretaker and this is where Kevin Hart makes his appearance. He plays ex-con Dell, who has an exwife, a kid who he never sees, and a ton of back child support payments. He is about to be sent back to jail unless he can prove he is seriously looking for work. Dell stumbles upon the interview, thinking he is there for a janitorial position. Phillip seizes this opportunity to hire the worst prospect for the job and hopes that Dell won’t know how to take care of him properly and he can finally join his dead wife. This is a very stale premise that has been overdone in movies and television, and yet in this movie it works. I give a lot of credit to the chemistry between Bryan Cranson and Kevin Hart. The are very good together. Dell helps to mellow Phillip and give him many reasons to want to live and enjoy life. In return, Phillip gives Dell a steady job and the seed money to venture out on his own. I notice that many critics gave this movie a low rating, but don’t listen to them. This is funny and heartwarming and I think you will enjoy it. My favorite scene had to do with a painting that a pretentious rich guy thinks was painted by Banksy. This movie doesn’t have a deep message like “Green Book” or a ground-breaking performance like “Bohemian Rapsody” but it is entertaining and satisfying. I suggest you give it a try.
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